Angels & Angel Spells page 3

Michael, in the Judeo-Christian-Islamic faiths, is the foremost of the archangels and the angels.  He is a great warrior  and leads God's armies against Satan.  His name means "who is as God" or "who is like to God".  He both fought against and chained Satan during the War.  Michael, too, is the Angel of Death since he will weigh the souls on Judgment Day.  God put Michael in charge of nature, rain, snow, thunder, lightning, wind, and clouds.  {In Islam, Michael - Mikal means rain.}  Michael is a great protector, an impassioned defender against adversity, and a champion of peace.  He, also is an angel of repentance, mercy, righteousness, and brings the gift of patience.  In Islam, Michael's wings are emerald green with saffron hairs that contain a million faces and mouths, which speak in a million dialects.

Michael is considered the patron saint of grocers, sailors and mariners, paratroopers, and policemen and policewomen.  Too, he is the Archangel of protection, peace, courage, mercy, patience, careers, achievements, mental powers, and motivation.  Michael also rules abundance, money, and growth.

Michael rules the Sun, east, the season of summer, the element of earth, and Sundays and Thursdays.  Michael's colours are all the yellows, golds, and browns though violet and white are used.  Michael's stone {metal} is gold.  Michael's symbols are an unsheathed sword, a shield, and the scales of justice.

Gabriel, the second highest-ranking archangel, is the bearer of many messages {known, hidden, and secret}.  Gabriel is considered gentler than Michael is.  Gabriel's name means "Man of God", "God has shown himself mightily", and "God is my strength".  In Islam, Gabriel {Jibril} dictated the Koran to the Prophet Muhammad.  Gabriel was the messenger of the Annunciation to Mary, telling her of the coming birth of Jesus Christ.  {Ditto to Zacharias about John, the Baptist [his son].}  Gabriel is also associated with the foretelling of future events to Daniel; possibly the angel that destroyed Sodom and Gommorah; and the giver of succour to Christ during the Crucifixion.  Another story {originating in Babylonia} is that once Gabriel fell from grace with God because he was reluctant to follow an order.  He obeyed the order but got the slowest angel in Heaven to carry out the task.  Finally, though, because Gabriel was excellent at giving good advice, he was admitted back into the graces of God.  It is Gabriel who will blow the horn announcing the second coming of Christ.

Gabriel is the patron saint of communications, telecommunication, and postal workers.  He is the Archangel of annunciation {birth}, humanity, resurrection, mercy, revelation, truth, justice, and hope.  He is a bringer of news and "heralds the revealing of answers".  Gabriel is also associated with various forms of magic: alchemy, intuition, psychic gifts, clairvoyance, scrying, astral travel, and herbal medicine.  He is the Archangel most associated with women, births,  and female cycles.

Gabriel rules the Moon, west, the season of winter, the element of water, and Mondays.  Gabriel's colours are silver, white, blue, rose, orange, and scarlet.  His stone is the moonstone.  Gabriel's symbols are a trumpet and a lily.

© Allesandro Botticelli
- Galleria degli Uffizi

© Allesandro Botticelli
- Metropolitan Museum of Art

Four views of the Archangel Gabriel making the Annunciation to Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ.  Gabriel carries white trumpet lilies - representing both of his best-known symbols: trumpets and lilies.  In magic, lilies, too, are associated with water, the Moon, and feminine aspects.

© Fra Beato Angelico
- Prado Museum

© Sir Edward Burne-Jones
Sudley Art Gallery

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Continued on Page 4