Angels & Angel Spells page 4

Raphael - his name means "God has healed" or "God heals".  Raphael heals  diseases, wounds, people, and also the planet Earth - it is his most important charge.  Raphael oversees the evening winds - usually as gentle as Raphael is considered.  He is charged with protecting the young, the innocent, and travellers.  One legend associated with Raphael is that of Tobias - Raphael protected Tobias on his travels, instructed Tobias in medicine, drove out an evil spirit from Tobias' wife, and brought joy to Tobias' father.  In the Book of Solomon, Raphael gives a ring to Solomon that helps him complete the building of the temple.  Raphael is credited with teaching Noah how to construct the Ark.  And, in his role as a healer, Raphael helps to ease the pain of Abraham after his circumcision and heals Jacob after Jacob wrestles with another angel.  Raphael also helped to heal the Earth after the War in Heaven.

Raphael is the patron saint of the blind, science, teaching, medicine, all medical workers, and travelers.  He is the Archangel of prayer, love, happy meetings, healing, joy and light, science, wisdom, knowledge, rebirth. Raphael rules contracts, lawsuits, and legal trials as well as business, and buying and selling.

Raphael rules over Mercury, south, the season of spring, the element of fire, and Wednesdays and Saturdays.  Raphael's colours are yellow, orange, white, gray, black, and indigo.  His stones are quicksilver {mercury} and aluminum.  Raphael's symbol is a pilgrim's staff.

Uriel is not mentioned by name in the Bible but is found in rabbinical texts.  His name means "God is my Light" or "Fire of God".  He could very well have been the "dark" angel who wrestled with Jacob.  Uriel is, like Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, a guardian of God's throne.  He is considered one of the most faithful and dedicated members of all the angels. Uriel, too, was placed in charge of Tartarus {Hell, Hades} and guards the Gates of Eden.  Uriel was the angel messenger sent by God to warn Noah about the flood.  In rabbinical thought, it is believed that Uriel gave the Kabbalah to humans.  In 745 CE, sadly, Uriel was removed from church records when the Catholic Church became overly concerned about the prominence of angels with the general public.

Uriel is best known for helping us turn disappointments into blessings.  He is the Archangel of salvation, devotion, ministration, peace, balanced judgement, and enlightenment.  Being the "sharpest-eyed" angel of the entire heavenly host, Uriel can be asked for help with mental clarity.  Like Gabriel, Uriel is associated with some of the "paranormal" - magic, alchemy, cosmic consciousness, and astrology.

Uriel rules over Uranus but is also closely related to Venus, both south and east, the season of autumn, the element of air, and Mondays and Wednesdays.  Uriel's colours are violet, white, blue, silver, indigo, and rainbow.  Uriel's symbol is an open hand holding a flame.

Guardian Angels
Personally, I don't think it's hard to get in touch with your own guardian angels.  Why?

Because I truly believe that all of my guardian angels - besides the "Guardian" angels of the heavenly hosts - are the people who have passed before me - my grandparents, my great grandparents, other relatives, and some of my friends.  Anytime I need them, I just simply "talk" to them or think of them or even just look at a picture of them.  Try it.  You'll probably quite pleasantly surprise yourself at how easy it really is and how much comfort it will bring.

Angel Spells
This link will take you to the Site Map and the list of my Angel Spells.

© Giovanni Gerolamo Savoldo
- Galleria Borghese

© Biliverti - The Hermitage

The three upper paintings are of the Archangel Raphael with Tobias - the 1st two Raphael travelling with and teaching Tobias - the 3rd when Tobias says goodbye to the archangel.  The bottom painting is that of a guardian angel.

© Pietro da Cortona, Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica di Palazzo Barberini

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