PSICAN - Paranormal Studies and Inquiry Canada


"My wife and I were outside on our deck on July 20, 2011 at about 11 p.m. just enjoying the clear skies and looking at the stars.  I was facing north and looking up at Cassiopeia when I noticed a moving light very high in the sky, coming from about the middle of the right side of the "W" and moving down at a 45 degree angle towards the horizon.  Given that it was dark out, I am not sure if the object was moving towards the east and descending or moving north and ascending.The light was brighter than the surrounding stars and did not appear to have any pulsating like some stars do.  It definitely did not have any flashing lights or any colour to indicate it was any kind of aircraft.  We could also see aircraft in the sky, though high up, we could easily distinguish their flashing lights and multiple coloured lights.After continuing down towards the horizon for about 5 seconds, this light suddenly got very bright for about 3 seconds, almost like a flash or bright reflection off the sun.  All this time continuing it's movement towards the horizon.  The light then faded off gradually as it moved and then was not very visible.We wondered what this was and I thought it could have been ISS or some other object.  We went inside and researched and found the orbit of ISS was over Argentina at the time so it definitely was not the ISS.  We could not find anything else (satellite, etc) that would have been in our sky at that time.I don't think it was a shooting star because it was definitely longer in duration and I did see a shooting star to the west about 15 minutes later so I did have a direct comparison and they were definitely different objects.We just want to know what this thing is or could be!!"


Our thanks to the witness for sharing this report with us. If you have seen something similar or can add to this report please contact us via . Your privacy will be protected.