Divination page 2

The all-to-often upshot of this is that many people/psychics who do divination really hate being called fortune tellers.  {Can you blame them?}  So, to finally answer the question from before, "What is the difference?"  There is no difference except that they are two different sets of words with the same meaning.  Please remember respectfully, though, that some diviners don't like being called fortune tellers because of the bad reputation.

So, then what is Divination?
If you look at the intent of divination / fortune telling, to cast or tell a fortune or to divine is to see what possibilities a future may hold.  Often the future possibilities are influenced by what has gone on in the past and is going on in the present.  In other words, we are what we eat.  We are what we wear.  We are what we believe, etc, etc, etc, ad nauseum.

What divination/fortune telling does is "bee-line" in on what those possibilities can be - what the choices and consequences of the choices are for the person who's asking about their future - whether the question is specific or general in nature. 
The future is not fixed.  There is always free will - because there are always choices offered.

How do I learn to do Divination?
Like anything in witchcrafting, divination takes study, study, read, read, research, research, practice, practice, etc.  I've been doing various forms of divination for over thirty years and I'm still learning.

But, the good news is that many forms of divination can be practiced as you're learning {so it's not unreasonable to be able to start pretty much immediately}.  You'll probably find that many of your family and friends are quite fascinated and quite willing to let you practice on them as you're learning.  While you're practicing, you'll learn what to say and what NOT to say {and this actually is quite important - see below}, you'll learn what you're comfortable with and not comfortable with {including what kinds of divination suit your personality}, and so on.

Diplomacy and Divination
I never cease to be horrified when a client tells me about something incredibly negative or rude that another reader has said.  For example, a gentleman was told during a reading that he was going to fall off a roof and break his leg.  The client, who was a roofer, was so frightened by the reading, he quit his job.

Now, I realize that this is an extreme example.  Most people don't react quite that "believingly".  However, my real point is that the reader could have given the information to the client without frightening him.  The information could have been given gently and diplomatically.  If so, the client, hopefully, would not have reacted so fearfully.

It costs absolutely nothing to be nice, pleasant, and polite.  I know that in some situations it can be very difficult to do that, to be that way - but the more you do it the easier it becomes each and every time.  It also gives the client the truth without the truth being scary or obnoxious - particularly, if there is a negative or a very negative aspect to the divination.

Yes, you need to be honest with your client.  Yes, you need to be truthful with your client.  But, you can also be nice to your client.  {And, guess what?  Doesn't this sound like, "Don't do any harm."  ?????"  Gee, what a concept!}

The other part of this is…
The second part of diplomacy is that you need to be sensitive to other "lifestyles".  People are people.  They're going to do what they want to do anyway {regardless of our well-intentioned advice}.  The human race can be a stubborn lot - right?  So, please don't be judgmental.  Just because one person's lifestyle isn't your cup of tea, doesn't mean that that person is wrong, stupid, etc, etc, etc.  {This is the same thing as asking people to be tolerant of our choice of religion.  Because of the long-term persecution that we've had to deal with, we don't need to lower ourselves to "their" or that level.}
Divination and Psychic Abilities
Having psychic abilities is often a help - but it also can be a hindrance.  I suppose it's very

The Magician, of the Major Arcana of Tarot, represents creativity, skillfulness, self-reliance, & determination {positive aspects}. In the Deck of the Dreamers, the upraised sword shows how determined he is. In the Fairy Deck, his arcane objects indicate his magical skill. In the Osho Zen deck, he is creativity and self reliance.

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Continued on Page 3