Spells & Spellcrafting page 8

The Most Powerful Spell of All          LAUGHTER
Don't laugh - this spell really works.  {Ha!  Gotcha!  See?  It works.}  The hard part is that sometimes you really do need to concentrate on laughing.  Easiest way to help laughter along?  Think about a funny joke or a funny situation.  Or, remember that day or time when you had a good laugh.  Or, surround yourself with things that make you smile or laugh.

Think Pink!
Have you ever come across a grumpy and harried cashier/salesperson?  Are the kids driving you crazy?  Is the boss on your case?  Do you work with or know someone who's always got something to say?  Are you late for an appointment that's half-an-hour away and you've only got ten minutes to get there?  Etc, etc, etc, ad nauseum?

The next time anything negative happens to you, surround it/them with pink light.  Pink is the colour of gentle feelings, gentle emotions, gentle liking, gentle love - in other words, GENTLE everything.  After a few seconds of surrounding someone/thing in pink light, whatever that someone/thing is doing/causing seems less negative and gentler.  So, Think Pink!  {If you find it difficult to visualize pink light surrounding someone/thing, don't worry.  Just say, over and over, "Think Pink!  Think Pink!"  Works exactly the same way.}

Mirror Talks
Do you get up in the mornings, look in the mirror, and think/say to yourself, "Oh, God, another day.  Oh, God, what a fraud I am.  Oh, God, I'm so unhappy."  And, so on.

Please stop saying all those negative things.  Instead, look at yourself in that mirror and start saying to yourself, "Hey!  Howya doing?  I love you.  You're nice.  You're beautiful / handsome."   {Be creative.  I'm sure you can come up with a whole bunch of nice things to say about yourself.}  Now, it's true that you may feel foolish for a few days - after all what is it they say about talking to yourself?  But this spell, too, works.  Because after a couple of days, you do start to believe all those nice things you're saying to yourself.  And, guess what?  It's all true!

"Now wait a second, here!"  You're going to say to me.  "What is this?  First, you tell me that laughter is a spell.  Then you tell me two different ways of doing positive feedback are spells.  Now, you're telling me that meditation is a spell?  What kind of witch are you?  Where's all the spooky, mysterious, creepy, and arcane stuff."

My answer to that is "Well, that's exactly what spellcrafting is all about - the same as the "power of positive thinking" and visualizing / focusing / concentrating techniques.  There is nothing mysterious about spellcrafting at all."  {Doesn't that blow the European medieval/Christian reputation right out the window, eh?}

Laughter calms you and makes you feel positive.  Thinking Pink and Mirror Talks also make you feel positive.  Meditation, amongst many other benefits, calms you.  These four spells are BIG, HUGE anti-stress spells.  Get rid of the stress and what happens?  Things start to go your way.  Things become easier.  Spells
empower and enhance your life.  So, the more often you do these spells - like everyday, pretty please - the more they will grow in their synergy and their energy.

More Spells
This link will take you to the Site Map and the list of my spell sheets.

This exquisite pink quartz can be used in Think Pink spells.  Just picture it in your mind.

Below: An amethyst cluster, a quartz cluster, and a quartz "wand" - all in Herkimer Diamond configuration.

All images this page
© Amethyst Galler

Sugilite - a 20th century addition to crystal empowerment.

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