Wicca & Spirituality page 7

Sabbats and esbats are astronomically related.  Virtually all ancient religions, worldwide, practiced some form of these festivals.  Too, many modern religious holidays and festivals contain remnants and/or are similarly dated.

sabbats are sun/solar festivals, and so, are always associated with fires - bonfires and fireplaces.  No sabbat is complete without a feast and drink celebrating hunting, gathering, livestock, and/or planting.  The Catholic Church, in order to combat the Old Religion in medieval Europe, adopted many of the sabbat dates as Christian celebrations.  The names listed are considered to be Celtic. Additionally, the association with the sabbats vis-à-vis the Horned One's rebirth/resurrection cycle is also considered Celtic, though it's more likely older.  What is missing in the Celtic cycle is the sun/solar association with the Goddess as a maiden - however, the sabbats do emphasize the Goddess' fertility role - the mature, childbearing woman.  The eight sabbats are usually a month-and-a-half apart.  Starting with the Celtic New Year:
Esbats are lunar/moon festivals.  The Drawing Down the Moon Festival [modern name] is the most commonly associated

[and practiced today] ritual of esbats.  Moon celebrations also include eating and drinking - but in moderation {unlike the lusty feasting of sabbats}.  Esbats are times for reflection and wisdom as well as women's mysteries.  Virtually all Moon Goddesses {and the few Moon Gods} are associated with wisdom and learning.

There are thirteen full moons or esbats in a year - every twenty-nine or so days - so the moons are never the same day from month to month and from year to year.  {Names and associations are Celtic.}

  • Snow or Mourning Moon -November -also associated with the Elder tree
  • Oak or Long Nights Moon -December -also associated with the Birch tree
  • Wolf or Cold Moon -January -also associated with Rowan tree
  • Storm or Quickening Moon -February -also associated with the Ash tree
  • Chaste or Storm Moon -March -also associated with the Alder tree
  • Hare or Wind Moon -April -also associated with the Willow tree
  • Dyad or Flower Moon -May -also associated with the Hawthorn tree
  • Mead or Strong Sun Moon -June -also associated with the Oak tree
  • Wort or Blessing Moon -July - also associated with the Holly tree
  • Barley or Corn Moon -August -also associated with the Hazel Tree
  • Wine or Harvest Moon -September -also associated with Vines
  • Blood Moon -October - also associated with Ivy and Reeds
  • Blue Moon -when there's a second full moon in a month -and it's blueish -please check your calendar
Dates above are for the northern hemisphere.  If you live in the southern hemisphere, please switch the dates around.

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Continued on Page 8