Spells & Spellcrafting page 3

Altars and other Magical Objects
Altars, athames, wands, chalices, pentagrams, crystal balls, etc are a CHOICE not a necessity.   
Please think about it…  Did the prehistoric witch have this stuff?   Not very likely.  So, if someone is trying to bully or denigrate you into buying / owning / must-having,  then please tell them to take a hike.  A good portion of altar paraphernalia was created by European medieval alchemists.  {For my take on what should be on altars, please ask for my altars spell sheet found on the Site Map.}

Ditto about the spelling of "magick" AND "book of shadows/black book/grimoires".  Magic is magic and a book of spells is a book of spells.  Let's be truthful and non-defensive about spellings and names.  {In fact, let's be less defensive about witchcraft.  We don't do any harm!!}

Colours don't just have to be worn as clothing, jewellery, makeup, hair colour, etc.  You can surround yourself with them at home, in the car, and at the office.  Easiest way to make sure you're wearing a colour {so as not to clash with your outfit} is to cut small squares of paper/cloth and wear underneath your outer clothing.

w  Wear red for life force, power, passion, strength, and lusty sex.
w  Wear pink for gentle love, loyalty, relaxation, and friendship.
w  Wear orange for success, energy, and legal matters - and a great colour for Hallowe'en.
w  Wear yellow for wisdom, intellect, and communicationGold, another form of yellow, also communicates prosperity.
w  Wear green for growth, healing, prosperity, and employment.
w  Wear blue for protection, calmness, healing, and peaceful sleep.
w  Wear purple for power and healing severe disease.
w  Wear white for purity, innocence, peace, and protection.
w  Wear brown or beige for home, earth, fertility, and animals.  In colour theory, brown results from a mix of opposite colours on the colour wheel.  So, if you happen to know the colour combination of your brown, those colour meanings can also come into play.
w  Wear black or gray for fertility and to both absorb & banish negativitySilver is known as both a healing and cleansing colour, and so, can be used in the same way.
w  Both white and black are a combination of all colours - white is with light and black is without light.  Some people don't agree about black {as in European superstitions}.  But if you think about what happens to colours at night {when it's "black"} they don't disappear, they just seem to be absorbed …
w  You've probably noticed that sometimes when you mix black clothing, the "blacks" don't always "match".  That's because black as a dye or an ink is red, blue, or green-based.  If you can tell what base you have in your "black" then that colour can come into play  {and you can also match up your clothes!}

Aromatherapy and Scents
Scientific evidence indicates that scents and aromas can invoke any number of emotional states and memories.  Some scents are also hormonal stimulants - not necessarily "sexy" hormones.  Use aromas, scents, fragrances in atomizers, room sprays, diffusers, pot pourri, facial sprays, colognes, splashes, perfumes, etc.

  Citrus scents - often used as "high notes" in perfumery - are uplifting and energizing.  Men and women find citrus scents attractive, so add citrus to any spell to "energize" it.  Neroli, orange, and lemongrass are easy scents and oils to find.
w  Eucalyptus and tea tree are great for healing.  Both are anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial {scientifically proven! & essential oils are the best}.  So, not only are they excellent for when you have a cold or flu, in spellcrafting they can be used for cleansing and healing.  Eucalyptus scents can also be used in prosperity/money spells.
w  Gardenia creates harmony and should be worn to attract men.  Gardenia is one of the ingredients in Chanel No 5, the world's best selling perfume.
w  Jasmine has long been used as an attractant in perfumes.  Jasmine can be worn by both men and women.  It can also improve your courage and relieve stress.
w  Lavender both calms {stress reliever} and gives you a good night's sleep {ditto for chamo

Some items that can be found on a "traditional" altar - a mixing cup, a chalice, an athame, and a crystal ball.

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Continued on Page 4