Spells & Spellcrafting page 4

mile}.  Lavender essential oil relieves headaches and migraines.  Besides calming spells, lavender is used for purification rituals and spells.
w  Musk will give you courage.  Too, musk has long been known as a hormonal stimulant and long been used in perfumes to attract the opposite sex.
w  Myrrh is for protection and is used to break hexes or strings of bad luck.  A "chunk" of myrrh resin is just as effective as the aroma in spellcrafting.
w  Another hormonal stimulant, patchouli attracts women.
w  Wear and use rose for love, peace, relaxation, and romance.  Rose essential oil is a hormonal stimulant for both genders and more than just "sexiness".
w  Use any of the spices - cloves, cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg - for energy and to be uplifted.  Spicy aromas are associated with home, holidays, and particularly the Christmas season.  Mulled beverages and simmering pot pourris will put all your guests at ease.  Old Spice, another best selling cologne, has cloves and cinnamon ingredients.
w  Most of the "woodsy" scents, such as, sandalwood, pine, cedar, can be used to build confidence and relieve stress.  Like most trees {as in herbal spellcrafting}, these same scents can be used in prosperity / money spells.

How to make your own perfume
It's easy to do and cheaper than you think.  It's also healthier.  Many commercial preparations have lots of chemicals in them to give them long shelf life, colour, etc - it's these "incidental" chemicals that make people allergic.  {Dr David Suzuki would agree.}

Orange Peel Water
Peels of 6 oranges
2 litres boiling water

w  Cut up the peels so that they can fit through the top of a pop bottle {easiest & cheapest container to get}.  {And, no, you don't have to eat the 6 oranges at once - have an orange & put the peels in the freezer 'til you're ready - or conversely, use a smaller container for each peeled orange.}
w  Place/stuff  the cut up peel into a "scalded" container.
w  Pour in boiling water to about 2 to 4 cm from the top.
w  Seal the container and leave for 2 weeks.
w  After 2 weeks, drain the resulting "water" into another container.
w  Dispose of the peel {a compost pile is excellent}.
w  Add your favourite infusions, tinctures, decoctions, or essential oil fragrances to the "water".  {A good rule of thumb to remember about essential oils and STRONG infusions, tinctures, and decoctions is 10 drops to 100 ml of water.  If it still seems too strong, then increase the water.}
w  From this point on, everybody will ask you what perfume you're wearing.  {Added bonus: orange peel water makes your skin incredibly soft.}

Like colours, candles are probably the easiest spells of all to craft and create.  We've all taken baths with candles - right?  Didn't the soft light and warmth relax you?  So, at the very least, candles are always good stress-busting spells.  {Another bonus about candles is that they are INEXPENSIVE.}

Additionally, and probably more importantly, candles are easy because many candles have both colour and scents {even matching scents} added to them.  Anytime, you combine magical qualities or meanings within a spell, you help to synergize the spell.  So, please refer to the two previous sections and don't be afraid to add this colour, that colour, this scent, that scent.

The easiest way to do a candle spell is just simply light the candle and focus / concentrate / meditate upon the candle and the "intent" of your spell.

The 2 sets of primary colours - red, yellow, blue in "opaque" colours {paint, clothing, etc} - and red, blue, green in "light" colours {TV, lighting, etc}.

The "opaque" primary colours - red, yellow, blue - create orange, green, and purple.

The 5 neutral colours are a mix of various colours.  Mixing colours produces all of the tints and hues that we are familiar with.

An Egyptian maid carrying
perfume jars.

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Continued on Page 5